


Tip of the Spear: A Conversation with Former SASR Soldier and Combat Assault Dog Handler Ryan Wilson.

Ryan Wilson is a former Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) Soldier and Combat Assault Dog Handler and is the subject of K9SA's Virtus House Kennel Kast's three part podcast series ‘Tip of the Spear.

In early 2013, Australia's elite special operations units supported a counter-leadership mission in the Langar District of Uruzgan Province. Tasked to clear a helicopter landing zone and apprehend an insurgent who, after an initial engagement, had moved to higher ground using a dry river bed as cover. Ryan cautiously moved along the river bed, weapon at his shoulder and safety catch unlocked as Combat Assault Dog (CAD) FAX lead the way.

australian special forces kneeling in desert with helicopter flying in the background


15 December 2021
52:07 MINS

The first of three episodes, Ryan talks candidly about his 18-year career in the Australian Army, primarily in the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR), and his life-changing interaction with Combat Assault Dog FAX...

australian special forces kneeling in desert with helicopter flying in the background


20 DECEMBER 2021
59:20 MINS

In the second episode of our ‘Tip of the Spear' podcast series, Ryan discusses moving to the squadron as a handler, some of his influences within the squadron and more antics of Combat Assault Dog KENI...

australian special forces kneeling in desert with helicopter flying in the background


27 DECEMBER 2021
38:20 MINS

In the third of final episode, Jason talks to Ryan about going from Squadron Handler to managerial roles within the cell, transitioning from elite soldiering to civilian life working and his mission to make a difference...

Along with CAD FAX and his handler Sergeant J, Ryan was first into the river bed to secure the area. Well ahead of his patrol, but still under the control of Sergeant J, CAD FAX searched the area to his front whilst members of the patrol cleared the area for extraction.

Unbeknownst to the patrol, the insurgent who had earlier fired on them upon insertion into the mission area had not fled and had taken up an ideal firing position, waiting for the right moment to act.

As the patrol continued to clear the area, the insurgent took aim and fired at several SASR patrol members who were well within his sights, with Sergeant J and Ryan being exposed to the insurgent's line of fire at short range. CAD FAX immediately attacked and apprehended the insurgent, in the process saving both Sergeant J and Ryan's lives.

Sergeant J quickly moved forward during the melee, but CAD FAX was shot twice by the insurgent, seriously wounding him. There was a brief but intense firefight, and the insurgent was neutralised. CAD FAX was treated for his wounds at the scene and taken by medevac helicopter to the Tarin Kowt medical facility but was dead on arrival.

FAX’s actions on 6 January 2013 directly saved the lives of members of his patrol and was an excellent example of the courage and determination required of a CAD in the SASR. CAD FAX was awarded the Canine Operational Service Medal - Clasp Afghanistan and Canine Service Medal.

Fast forward eight years, Ryan is in a studio chatting away to K9SA's Virtus House Kennel Kast, a far removed and very different place from the one Ryan remembers so vividly. Drinking a product from Whipper Snapper Distillery, a company he is General Manager of and part of the team spearheading their growing presence in the industry of Spirit Manufacturing, Ryan sits back and reflects on the life he has lived since that day...Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Studies from Murdoch University, Masters of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia, Operations Manager of Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, Leadership Consultant and Performance Coach and current Western Australia State Manager of Wandering Warriors, an organisation founded in 2013 by Queensland based SAS veterans who conduct fundraising events for veteran causes. Ryan is in no doubt that he owes it all to CAD FAX's actions on that life-changing day.

"Sergeant J and myself owe our lives to FAX...that was the day that I decided that I wanted to get involved in this and continue pushing the capability forward because these dogs are absolutely amazing and they're absolutely laying down their lives for us."

"He died doing what he was trained to do, what he had to do. Because of that, I'm still here, Sergeant J's still here, and there's multiple other stories like that...multiple, there would be dozens or more people who's lives were saved because of the K9 capability."

australian special forces kneeling in desert with helicopter flying in the background

"On that day he did exactly what he was asked, and as a result saved our lives, hands down...I'll be forever in debt to FAX. It's something I've never really forgotten to be honest and it's something that's stuck with me through my whole career with the dogs, and having that experience with FAX just made me really passionate about the capability."

"The 12 years in the Regiment, the majority of that with dogs, has made me who I am and I don't regret any of it. I'm super appreciative for the people I've been able to work with and the experience I've been able to have."